Any two members may nominate a member who has made an outstanding contribution to entomology, especially New Zealand entomology, as a Fellow of the Entomological Society of New Zealand. Nominations must be accompanied by a relevant bibliography and a written statement signed by the nominees. Nominations are considered by the executive committee and, if approved, are submitted for election to a general meeting.

At present the number of Fellows is limited to twenty living members. Fellowship does not include honorary membership of the Society, however fellows are encouraged to use the letters FESNZ after their name.

Current Fellows

Deceased Fellows

  • Dr B.A. Holloway, 2009, Comparative morphology and systematics of Lucanidae and Anthribidae.
  • Mr J.S. Dugdale, 2001, Lepidoptera systematics and biology of phytophagous insects.
  • Dr R.M. Emberson, 2014, Broad interests in agricultural entomology and mite and beetle systematics.
  • Dr G. Kuschel, 1988, Systematics of the Curculionoidea, and beetle faunistics.
  • Mr I.D. McLellan, 2004, Taxonomy of Plecoptera.
  • Mrs B.M. May, 1998, Systematics and biology of weevil larvae and cave insects.
  • Dr R.R. Forster, 1994, Biology and systematics of spiders and harvestmen.
  • Dr R.A. Harrison, 1990, Diptera taxonomy and agricultural entomology.