ATTN: If you did not create an account on the website last year to renew your membership, please use the ‘Become a Member’ button above, even if you have been a society member in the past.

If you have an account on the website, please use the ‘Renew Your Membership’ button above.

If you do not know if you have an account on the website or have any questions about this, please contact the Membership Officer at

Membership of the Entomological Society of New Zealand is open to all those interested in entomology.

Members of the society enjoy the following benefits:

  • Copies of the societies publications, including the peer reviewed New Zealand Entomologist, The Wฤ“tฤ, and our newsletter.
  • Ability to apply for society grants and awards.
  • Supporting New Zealand’s largest group of entomologists.

Annual membership fees:

  • Full or overseas membership – NZ$65.00
  • Student, unwaged or retiree membership – NZ$45.00

Annual membership is based on a calendar year – 1st February to 31st January.