1.0 Name
1.1 The name of the Society is the Entomological Society of New Zealand Incorporated (‘the Society’).
2.0 Registered Office
2.1 The Registered Office of the Society is the address of a current Officer of the Society, normally the Secretary or Treasurer, and will be updated as required under legislation governing Incorporated Societies and Charitable Trusts.
3.0 Objects of the Society
3.1 The purposes of the Society shall be the improvement and promotion of New Zealand entomological knowledge in New Zealand.
3.2 The Society is established and maintained exclusively for charitable purposes and not for the private profit of any individual or individuals.
4.0 Executive Committee
4.1 The Society shall have an Executive Committee (“the Committee”), comprising the following persons who shall be Officers of the Society:
(a) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer;
(b) Other Members as the Society shall decide, who may include the Immediate Past President, Editors of the Society’s publications and the Web Site Manager;
4.2 Only Members of the Society may be Committee Members.
4.3 There shall be a minimum of four Committee Members.
5.0 Nomination and Appointment of Committee Members
5.1 Nominations of Committee Members shall be called for at least 15 days before an Annual General Meeting. Each candidate shall be proposed and seconded in writing by Members, and the completed nomination form delivered to the Secretary by 5 pm on the day before the Annual General Meeting.
5.2 If the position of any Committee Member becomes vacant between Society Meetings, the Committee shall appoint another Committee Member to fill that vacancy until the next Society Meeting.
5.3 The President and the Vice-President shall not hold the same office for more than two successive years (the Term).
5.4 Except for appointments under 5.2, appointment of Committee Members will take place at Society Meetings by voting (see 13.0, 14.0)
6.0 Cessation of Committee Membership
6.1 Persons cease to be Committee Members when:
(a) They resign by giving written notice to the Committee.
(b) They are removed by majority vote of the Society at a Society Meeting.
(c) Their Term expires.
6.2 If a person ceases to be a Committee Member, that person must return to the Committee, within one month, all Society documents and property.
7.0 Role of the Committee
7.1 The Committee has all of the powers of the Society, unless the Committee’s power is limited by these Rules, or by a majority decision of the Society.
7.2 Decisions of the Committee bind the Society, unless the Committee’s power is limited by these Rules or by a majority decision of the Society.
8.0 Admission of Members
8.1 Membership shall be open to all persons interested in entomology. The Society shall have three forms of membership: Ordinary Members, Honorary Members and Fellows.
9.0 Ordinary Members
9.1 Any person may be regarded as an Ordinary Member of the Society on payment of the Society’s annual subscription.
10.0 Honorary Members
10.1 Any member may nominate any other person who has given service of outstanding merit to the Entomological Society of New Zealand for election as an Honorary Member.
10.2 The nomination shall be considered by the Committee, and if approved by a two-thirds majority at a Committee Meeting, shall be submitted for election to a General Meeting of the Society. The nominee shall be declared elected on a two-thirds majority of the vote at that Meeting.
10.3 Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of full membership.
11.0 Fellows
11.1 Any two members may nominate any other person who has made an outstanding contribution to entomology, but especially to New Zealand entomology, as a Fellow of the Entomological Society of New Zealand.
11.2 The nomination shall be accompanied by a relevant bibliography and a written statement signed and prepared by the nominators supporting the eligibility of the nominee for election as a Fellow.
11.3 The nomination shall be considered by the Committee, and if approved by a two-thirds majority at a Committee Meeting, shall be submitted for election to a General Meeting of the Society. The nominee shall be declared elected on a two-thirds majority of the vote at that Meeting.
11.4 The number of Fellows shall be limited at any one time to twenty living persons and no more than two shall be elected at any one Society Meeting, provided vacancies exist.
11.5 Fellows are not entitled to the privileges of Full Membership.
11.6 Fellows may, if they so wish, use the letters FESNZ after their name.
12.0 Cessation of Membership
12.1 Membership of the Society may be terminated by (a) resignation in writing, (b) non-payment of the annual subscription, or (c) any cause deemed by the Executive Committee to be detrimental to the well-being of the Society.
13.0 Notification of Society Meetings
13.1 A Society Meeting is either an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.
13.2 Except as required by 13.3, Society Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee. An Annual General Meeting shall normally be called to coincide with the Annual Conference.
13.3 In the event that a Conference is not held, or is held after 30 June in any year, an Executive Meeting shall be called before 31 May to receive the Annual Accounts for the preceding year and to approve the recommendations for awards from the 21st Anniversary Research Fund.
13.4 The Committee must call a Special General Meeting within 3 months if the Secretary receives a written request signed by at least 10 Members.
13.5 For Society Meetings, the Secretary shall communicate with members in writing at least 15 days before a Society Meeting:
(a) The date, place and time of Meeting;
(b) Notice of the business to be conducted at the Meeting;
(c) Any nominations received for members of the Committee, with information about candidates if it is provided.
13.6 If the Secretary has sent notice to all Members in good faith, the Meeting and its business will not be invalidated simply because one or more Members do not receive the notice.
14.0 Conduct of Society Meetings
14.1 All Members may attend and vote at Society Meetings.
14.2 No Society Meeting may be held unless at least 10 Members attend.
14.3 All Society Meetings shall be chaired by the President. If the President is absent, the Vice-President shall chair the Society Meeting. If the Vice-President is also absent, the Society shall elect another Committee Member to chair that meeting. Any person chairing a Society Meeting has a casting vote.
14.4 On any given motion at a Society Meeting, the Chairperson shall determine in good faith whether to vote by:
(a) Voices;
(b) Show of hands;
(c) Secret ballot; or
(d) online survey.
However, if any Member demands a secret ballot before a vote by voices or show of hands has begun, voting must be by secret ballot. The Chairperson will have a casting vote.
15.0 Committee Meetings
15.1 Committee Meetings must be held at least once per year.
15.2 15.2 A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of four members. Attendance may be via conference call or in person.
15.3 The President shall chair Committee Meetings, or if the President is absent, the Vice-President shall chair the Committee Meeting. If the Vice-President is also absent, the Committee shall elect a Committee Member to chair that meeting.
15.4 Decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote, except as specified elsewhere in these Rules.
15.5 The Chairperson or person acting as Chairperson has a casting vote.
15.6 Only Committee Members attending a Committee Meeting in person or by conference call may vote at that Committee Meeting.
15.7 Section Representatives may attend Committee Meetings, but do not have voting rights.
15.8 Subject to these Rules, the Committee may regulate its own practices.
16.0 General
16.1 A report of all meetings of the Society shall be circulated to all members by the Society’s Secretary.
17.0 Society Publications
17.1 The Society shall publish regularly:
(a) New Zealand Entomologist: a journal containing original papers and notes on, or related to, entomology;
(b) The Weta: a Scientific News Bulletin
17.2 The Society may produce occasionally other publications including Bulletins of the Entomological Society of New Zealand that the Executive Committee considers desirable.
17.3 The Editors shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for the content of publications.
18.0 Sections of the Society
18.1 In any area where at least 10 members of the Society reside, a Section of the Society may be formed.
18.2 Sections shall be responsible for the conduct of their own affairs in harmony with the Rules and Objects of the Society.
18.3 Sections shall support financially their own activities, although the Executive Committee of the Society may make grants towards Section activities of general benefit to New Zealand entomology.
18.4 Sections shall in no way commit the Society to any course of action or expenditure or issue statements in the name of the Society, except with the express permission of the Executive Committee of the Society.
18.5 Sections may enrol Associate Members, who shall pay only a subscription as shall be determined by the Section for all its members, and who shall not be liable to pay a subscription to the Society.
18.6 Such Associate Members shall have no privileges of membership of the Society, but may become members of the Society if they wish.
18.7 Each Section shall elect one Member of the Society annually to be its representative on the Committee of the Society.
19.0 Signing of Documents
The Common Seal of the Society shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary, who shall by the express authority of the Committee sign every deed to which the seal is affixed.
19.0 Subscriptions
19.1 The amount to be paid by members as their annual subscription shall be decided by majority vote at a Society Meeting.
20.0 Financial Procedures
20.1 All funds of the Society shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall keep proper records of the financial transactions of the Society, and shall pay into a Bank or invest all moneys received.
20.2 All cheques and withdrawal warrants shall be signed by two Trustees.
20.3 The Trustees shall be up to four members of the Committee and 1 ordinary member of the Society as agreed at a Society Meeting.
20.4 The financial year shall be from 1 January to 31 December.
21.0 Altering the Rules
The Society may alter or replace these Rules at a Society Meeting by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those Members present and voting.
21.1 Any proposed motion to amend or replace these Rules shall be signed by 2 Members and given in writing to the Secretary at least 30 days before the Society Meeting at which the motion is to be considered, and accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the proposal.
21.2 At least 15 days before the Society Meeting at which any Rule change is to be considered, the Secretary shall give to all Members written notice of the proposed motion, the reasons for the proposal, and any recommendations of the Committee on the proposal.
21.3 When a Rule change is approved by a Society Meeting the Committee shall cause to be filed with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies advice of the Rule changes in the required form. No Rule change shall take effect until this is done.
22.0 Winding up the Society
22.1 If the Society is wound up:
(a) The Society’s debts, costs and liabilities shall be paid;
(b) The surplus Money and Other Assets shall be distributed to some similar Society established for charitable purposes whose interests are in line with the objects of this Society as indicated in Section 3.0 of these Rules.
23.0 Definitions
23.1 In these Rules:
(a) “Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Society.
(b) “Committee Meeting” means a meeting of the Executive Committee.
(c) “Committee Member” means any Member who is on the Executive Committee.
(d) “In Writing” means hand-written, printed or electronic communication of words or a combination of these methods.
(e) “Majority vote” means a vote made by more than half of the Members who are present at a Society Meeting and who are entitled to vote and are voting at that Meeting upon a resolution put to that Meeting.
(f) “Meeting” means any Annual General Meeting, any Special General Meeting, and any Committee Meeting.
(g) “Rules” means these rules, being the rules of the Society.
(h) “Society Meeting” means any Annual General Meeting, or any Special General Meeting, but not a Committee Meeting.
(i) “Written” means hand-written, printed or electronic communication of words or a combination of these methods.